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Species List

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The list given here is arranged alphabetically by the scientific or botanical name. This is a link to an alphabetical list of Common Names.

Botanical NameCommon NameOther Names
Acaena ovalifolia Pirri-Pirri-BurrTwo-spined Acaena, Bidy Bidy, Pirri Pirri Bur, New Zealand Acaena, Biddy Biddy, Red Bidibidi
Achillea millefoliumYarrowMilfoil, Thousand-leaf, Arrow-root, Bloodwort, Greenarrow, Soldier's Woundwort, Nosebleed Weed, Devil's Nettle
Aegopodium podagrariaGround-elderBishop's Weed, Goutweed, Goutwort, Goat-herb, Herb Gerard, Garden Plague, Snow-on-the-mountain, Jack-jump-about
Agropyrum repensCouchgrassDog's Grass, Quickgrass, Quicks, Quack Grass, Scutch, Squitch, Twitch, Witch Grass, Wickens, Wicks.
Alliaria petiolataGarlic MustardJack-by-the-hedge, Garlic Root, Hedge Garlic, Sauce-alone, Jack-in-the-bush, Penny Hedge, Poor Man's Mustard
Allium triquetrumThree-cornered LeekAngled Onion, Onion Weed, Three-cornered Garlic, Triquetrous Garlic
Allium ursinum Ramsons (Wild Garlic)Bear's Garlic, Broadleaved Garlic, Buckrams, Ramson, Wild Garlic, Wood Garlic
Anagallis arvensisScarlet PimpernelBird's Eye, Shepherd's Sundial Shepherd's Clock
Anthriscus sylvestrisCow Parsley 
Aphanes arvensis, syn. Alchemilla arvensisParsley-piertField Lady's Mantle, Parsley Breakstone
Arabidopsis thalianaThale CressCommon Wall Cress, Mouse-ear Cress
Arctium minorLesser BurdockBurweed, Louse-bur, Common Burdock, Beggar's Buttons, Cockle Button, Button-bur
Arum maculatumLords-and-ladiesAdam and Eve, Adder's root, Arum, Arum lily, Bloody man's finger, Bobbins, Cows and bulls, Cuckoo-pint, Devils and angels, Friar's cowl, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Naked boys, Snakeshead, Soldier-in-a-sentry-box, Starch-root, Wake robin, Wild arum
Bellis perennisDaisyBruisewort, Day's Eye, Dog Daisy, Herb Margaret
Borago officinalisBorageStarflower
Brassica napus Oilseed RapeRape, Colza, Oilseed Rape, Rapa, Rapaseed
Brassica nigra Black Mustard 
Calystegia sepiumBindweed, HedgeBearbind, Bellbine, Devil's Guts, Hedge-Bell, Hell Weed, Withybind
Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd's PurseCase-weed, Lady's Purse, Mother's Heart, Pick-purse
Cardamine corymbosaBittercress, New Zealand 
Cardamine flexuosaBittercress, WavyGreater Bitter Cress, Wood Bitter Cress, Woodland Bittercress
Cardamine hirsutaBittercress, HairySmall Bittercerss, Common Bittercress, Hoary Bittercress, Popping Cress, Pennsylvania Bittercress, Jumping Jesus, Flick Weed
Cardamine pratensisCuckooflowerLady's-smock, Milkmaids
Centranthus ruberValerian, Red 
Cerastium fontanum Mouse-ear, CommonCommon Mouse-ear Chickweed
Chenopodium albumFat HenBacon Weed, Dirty Dick, Dung Weed, Goose Foot, Lamb's Quarters (USA), Muck Hill, Pig Weed.
Circaea lutetianaEnchanter's NightshadeBroadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade
Cirsium arvense Creeping ThistleCanada Thistle
Cirsium palustreMarsh ThistleEuropean Swamp Thistle, European Marsh Thistle
Cirsium vulgareSpear ThistleCommon Thistle, Bull thistle
Convolvulus arvensisField BindweedBearbine, Bethbine, Cornbine, Field Convolvulus, Wild Convolvulus
Cymbalaria muralisIvy-leaved Toadflax"Mother of Thousands.", Kenilworth Ivy, Pennywort
Dactylorhiza fuchsiiSpotted OrchidDead Men's Fingers
Digitalis purpureaFoxgloveDead Men's Bells, Fairy Thimbles
Dipsacus fullonumCommon TeaselWild Teasel, Fuller's Teasel
Draba verna syn. Erophila verna Common WhitlowgrassEarly Whitlow Grass, Nailwort, Shadflower, Spring Draba, Spring Whitlow Grass, Vernal Whitlow-grass
Epilobium montanumBroad-leaved Willowherb 
Epilobium hirsutumGreat WillowherbCodlins and Cream
Epilobium parviflorumHoary Willowherb 
Epilobium palustreMarsh Willowherb 
Epilobium brunnescensNew Zealand Willowherb 
Epilobium angustifolium syn. Chamerion angustifolium, Chamaenerion angustifolium,Rosebay WillowherbBlooming Sally, Fireweed, Great Willow Herb
Epilobium obscurumShort-fruited Willowherb 
Equisetum arvenseHorsetailBottlebrush Plant, Cat's Tail, Common Horsetail, Field horsetail, Pipeweed, Shave Grass, Scouring Rush
Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge 
Fallopia convolvulusBlack BindweedBedwine, Bunwede, Climbing Buckwheat, Devil, Wild Buckwheat, False Buckwheat
Fallopia sachalinensis syn. Polygonum sachalinenseGiant KnotweedShakhalin Knotweed
Fumaria officinalisCommon FumitoryBeggary, Earth-smoke, Drug Fumitory, Wax dolls
Galeopsis tetrahitCommon Hemp-nettle 
Galium aparineCleaversBeggar's lice, Catchweed Bedstraw, Cleaverwort, Everlasting Friendship, Goose grass, Grip Grass, Scratch grass, Stick-a-back, Sticky Willie, Scarthgrass, Sticky-willy, White Hedge
Geranium robertianumHerb RobertDeath-come-quickly, Robin's eye, Robin hood, Robin-i'-th'-hedge, Stinking Bob, Stinker Bobs, Wren flower
Gnaphalium uliginosumMarsh Cudweed 
Hedera helixIvyEnglish Ivy
Heracleum mantegazzianum Giant HogweedGiant Cow Parsnip
Heracleum spondylium Common HogweedCow Parsnip, Hogweed
Hesperis matronalisDame's VioletDame’s Rocket, Damask Violet, Dames-wort, Dame’s Gilliflower, Night Scented Gilliflower, Queen’s Gilliflower, Rogue’s Gilliflower, Summer Lilac, Sweet Rocket, Mother-of-the-evening and, Winter Gilliflower
Holcus lanatusYorkshire FogMeadow soft grass, Velvet grass
Hyacinthoides x massartianaHybrid Bluebells 
Hypericum androsaemumTutsan 
Hypericum humifusumTrailing St John's Wort 
Impatiens glanduliferaHimalayan BalsamPoliceman's helmet, Indian Touch-Me-Not, Ornamental Jewelweed, Pink Peril, Poor Man's Orchid
Juncus bufoniusToadrush 
Juncus effususRush, SoftCommon Rush
Lamium galeobdolonYellow ArchangelGolden Dead-nettle
Lamium purpureumDead-nettleBadman’s Posies, Day Nettle, Deaf Nettle, Dog Nettle, Red Archangel
Lapsana communisNipplewortDock-cress
Lathyrus pratensisMeadow VetchlingCommon Yellow Vetchling, Lady's Slippers, Meadow Pea, Meadow Pea-vine
Lemna minorDuckweed 
Leontodon autumnalisAutumn HawkbitFall Dandelion
Lotus corniculatusBirdsfoot TrefoilBird's-foot Trefoil, Birdfoot Trefoil, Bird's Foot Trefoil, Birdfoot Deervetch (USA)
Lunaria annuaHonestyMoney Plant, Penny Flower
Luzula campestrisField Wood-rush 
Lysimachia nemorumYellow PimpernelWood Loosestrife
Lythrum salicariaPurple LoosestrifeSpiked Loosestrife
Marchantia polymorphaLiverwort 
Matricaria matricarioides syn. Matricaria discoideaPineappleweedRayless Mayweed, Pineapple Mayweed
 Mossmany species
Meconopsis cambricaWelsh Poppy 
Monita fontanaBlinksAnnual Water Minerslettuce, Hetekaali, Water Blinks, Water Chickweed
Mycelis muralis syn. Lactuca muralisWall LettuceDock-cress
Myosotis arvensisField Forget-me-notCommon Forget-me-not
Myosotis scorpioides syn Myosotis scorpiodes, Myosotis palustrisTrue Forget-me-notWater forget-me-not<
Nostoc communeBlue-green Algae 
Oxalis acetosellaWood SorrelCreeping Wood Sorrel
Oxalis corniculata var. atropurpurea syn. O. repensPurple Creeping Wood Sorrel 
Oxalis exilisLeast Yellow Sorrel 
Oxalis incarnataSorrel, Pale pinkCrimson Woodsorrel
Papaver dubium subsp. dubiumLong-headed PoppyField Poppy, Long Smooth-fruited Poppy, Blindeye
Peltigera caninaDog LichenFelt lichen
Pentaglottis sempervirensGreen AlkanetEvergreen Bugloss
Persicaria maculosa syn. Polygonum persicaria Redshank Heartweed, Lady's thumb, Ladysthumb, Ladysthumb Smartweed, Smartweed, Spotted Knotweed, Spotted Ladysthumb, Spotted Smartweed, Persicaria, Redleg, Willow weed
Petasites fragransWinter HeliotropeSweet-scented Coltsfoot, Sweet Colt's-foot
Pilosella aurantiaca syn. Hieracium aurantiacumFox-and-cubsOrange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Grim-the-collier, Grimy Coalminer
Plantago lanceolataRibwort PlantainNarrowleaf Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, English Plantain, Lanceleaf Indianwheat, Lanceleaf Plantain, Ribgrass, Ribwort
Plantago majorBroad-leaved PlantainBird's Meat, Common Plantain, Great Plantain, Rat-tail Plantain, White Man's Foot
Poa annuaAnnual Meadow-grassAnnual Bluegrass, Low Spear-grass
Polygonum aviculareKnotgrassBirdgrass, Doorweed, Matgrass, Prostrate Knotweed, Stonegrass
Polygonum borealeKnotgrass, Northern 
Polygonum japonicumJapanese KnotweedDonkey rhubarb, Gypsy rhubarb, Japanese bamboo, Mexican bamboo, Sally rhubarb
Polygonum rurivagumKnotgrass, Cornfield 
Potentilla anglicaTrailing TormentilEnglish cinquefoil
Prunella vulgaris SelfhealCommon Selfheal, All-heal, Blue curls, Heal-all
Pteridium aquilinumBrackenBrake fern, Eagle fern, Upland fern
Ranunculus acris Meadow ButtercupCommon Buttercup, Common Meadow Buttercup, Crowfoot, Gold Cup, Meadowbloom, Yellows, Bachelor's Buttons, Blister Weed, Tall Buttercup
Ranunculus ficariaCelandine, LesserPilewort, Fig Buttercup, Small Celandine
Ranunculus repens Creeping ButtercupCreeping Meadow Buttercup, Devil’s Guts, Granny Threads, Ram’s Claws, Sitfast, Tether-toad
Rubus fruticosusBrambleBlackberry, Briar
Rumex acetosella Sheep's Sorrel 
Rumex obtusifoliusDock, Broad-leavedBlunt-leaved Dock, Round-leaved Dock, Common Wayside Dock
Sagina procumbens PearlwortBeads, Birdseye, Procumbent Pearlwort
Scrophularia nodosaFigwort, CommonKnotted Figwort, Throatwort, Carpenter's Square, Kernelwort
Senecio jacobaeaRagwortRagweed, Tansy Ragwort, Staggerweed, Stinking Willie
Senecio vulgaris GroundselCommon Groundsel, Old-man-in-the-spring
Sisymbrium officinale syn, Erysimum officinaleHedge MustardCommon Hedge Mustard, English Water Cress, Indian Hedge Mustard, Oriental Rocket Mustard, Tumbling Mustard
Solanum dulcamaraBittersweetAmara Dulcis, Bitter Nightshade, Blue Bindweed, Climbing Nightshade, Fellenwort, Felonwood, Felon-wort, Mortal, Poisonberry, Poisonflower, Scarlet Berry, Snakeberry, Trailing Bittersweet, Trailing Nightshade, Violet Bloom, Woody Nightshade
Soleirolia soleiroliiMind-your-own-businessBaby's Tears, Irish Moss
Sonchus asperPrickly Sow-thistleSpiny sow-thistle, Spiny milk-thistle, Spiny-leaved sow-thistle, Spiny annual sow-thistle
Sonchus arvensisPerennial Sow-thistleField Milk-thistle, Field Sow-thistle, Creeping Sowthistle, Gutweed, Milk Thistle, Corn Sowthistle, Swine thistle, Tree Sowthistle
Sonchus oleraceusSmooth Sow-thistleAnnual Sow-thistle, Milk-thistle, Swine thistle
Spergula arvensisCorn SpurrySandweed
Stachys palustrisMarsh WoundwortAll-Heal, Clown's Woundwort, Downy Woundwort, Panay, Opopanewort
Stachys sylvaticaHedge Woundwort Whitespot, Downy Woundwort, Hedge Stachys, White-spot Betony
Stellaria mediaChickweedChickwittles, Mischievous Jack, Starweed, Starwort, Winterweed
Stellaria uliginosa syn. S. alsine Bog Stitchwort 
Stellaria holosteaGreater StitchwortAdders' Meat, Satin Flower, Great Starwort
Symphytum tuberosumTuberous ComfreyKnitbone
Symphytum x uplandicumRussian Comfrey  
Tanacetum parthenium syn. Chrysanthemum parthenium, Leucanthemum partheniumFeverfewAltamisa, Amargosa, Bachelor's Button, Flirtwort, Manzanilla, Featherfew, Featherfoil, Wild Chamomile
Taraxacum officinaleDandelionBlowball, Cankerwort, Clock Flower, Irish Daisy, Lion's Tooth, Milk Witch, Monk's Head, Piss-a-bed, Priest's Crown
Trifolium repensCloverDutch clover, Honeystalk, Kentish Clover, Lamb suckling, Trinity leaf, White trefoil
Trifolium dubium Lesser TrefoilYellow Suckling Clover, Small Hop Clover
Tussilago farfaraColt's FootCough-wort, Foal's-wort, Bull's Foot
Urtica dioica Nettle, StingingDevil's Leaf, Heg-beg
Veronica hederifoliaIvy-leaved Speedwell 
Veronica filiformis Slender SpeedwellRound-leaved Speedwell, Threadstalk Speedwell
Veronica persica Speedwell, Common FieldPersian speedwell, Buxbaum’s speedwell, Large Field Speedwell, or Bird's-eye
Veronica serpyllifoliaThyme-leaved Speedwell 
Vica craccaVetch, TuftedCow Vetch, Bird Vetch
Vica sativaVetch, CommonTare
Vica sepiumVetch, Bush 
Viola rivinianaCommon Dog-violetWood Violet,Violet, Common Violet, Blunt-spurred Violet
Viola riviniana 'Purpurea'Dog-violet, PurplePurple Wood Violet

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