The leaves of this tuft-forming perennial have soft hairs, unlike the other rushes. It forms stands of coarse tufts which are very noticeable in a fine lawn. It spreads by side shoots as well as by seed.
Star-like, chestnut-brown flowers appear from March to July, in brush-like clusters on a central stem which can reach about 15cm; they later set seed.
Difficult to eradicate from the lawn. Feed in the spring to build up the grass and reduce compaction by spiking.
Weedkillers to use:-
Glyphosate as a spot weeder, systemic action, taken down into
underground parts, some of the surounding grass will be killed and the patch will require some reseeding. Or a selective weedkiller with three active agents and repeat after six weeks. Due to the slender leaves the success with selective weedkillers is unpredictable, but applied directly as a spray rather than a pelleted weed-and-feed product, should have more success.
Great Wood-rush (Luzula sylvatica) grows much taller to about 80cm and the flowers are widely spread on the stem. |