This is the layout of my vegetable plot. The five main beds were initially double-dug with plenty of farmyard manure added and only need additional manure or compost with minimal digging, as they are not compacted by treading. The whole lot is surrounded by chickenwire fencing to keep out the rabbits. There is also a vertical barrier of stout plastic left over from the polytunnel, buried to about 40 cm around the perimeter to prevent grass and other spreading roots from invading the plot.
The crops are rotated between the beds to prevent the build-up of pests and diseases. The aim is to ensure that the same type of crop is not grown in a bed repeatedly, the best ratio is one year in four.
The fruit cage along the northern fence (bottom) contains the fruit bushes and strawberries. An orchard with apple, pear and plumb trees is developing to the east (left) of the plot and the compost bins lean onto a potting shed.
Below is a view from the top right gate on the diagram showing the young fruit trees beyond the vegetable plot (before the fruit cage was constructed to the left).
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