Down Garden Services



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Lettuce can be raised in trays for earlier cropping, but may run to seed earlier if there is a check in their growth when transplanted. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots or modules to grow into small plants first to minimize the stress when planting out. Sow only small numbers at a time and repeat every few weeks to ensure a succession of mature heads. The normal spacing when planting out is in rows 30 cm apart with 30 cm between the plants. Cut-and-come-again types are sown directly and fewer sowings are necessary to ensure a succession of salad leaves - pick off the leaves as required leaving the stem intact. They are also very suitable for growing in containers and as they grow relatively quickly they can be interplanted as a catch crop with slower to mature crops if space is at a premium, eg. widely spaced rows of rot crops.
Aphids are the main pest along with the usual Slugs which can clear a row of seedlings in one 'sitting'. Leatherjackets will also take seedlings.

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