Links Page
Use the links listed here to find other sites related to gardening. The content of these sites is the responsibility of the poster.
Information and Linking Sites
Debby's Garden Links Directory of categorised links to UK gardening related websites.
Garden Furniture Make garden furniture from recycled materials. A page suggested by children doing a project on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Gardeningdata - a
gardening focused website with practical articles and links to other
sources and suppliers. information about Irish gardening and a free garden club.
Local Weather Forecast BBC Online Weather page for Northern Ireland.
Natural History Museum Postcode Plants Databasefor the wildflower gardener. (Use upper case when entering postcode)
Specialist Nurseries
Timpany Nursery A specialist Alpine Nursery outside Ballynahinch, Co Down. Open throughout the year and mail order.
Ballyrobert Cottage Garden and Nursery A nursery open to the public, has been designed in sympathy with the garden and is stocked with a wealth of cottage garden plants.
Lisdoonan Herbs The first herb farm in Northern Ireland, is a small family business specialising in the cultivation and enjoyment of herbs. Aromatics, unusual vegetables, 'period' plants and some natives are grown.
RHS Plant Finder "to put enthusiastic gardeners in touch with suppliers of plants."
Garden Sites
My Dutch garden - the garden of Thijs de Graaf in the Netherlands
Garden & General Supplies
Temple Garden & Farm Shop - Along with a wide range of quality bird food products, transform your garden into that special place with plants, compost, fountains, planters and associated seasonal items. Fruit and vegetables also on sale.
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